Friday, June 29, 2007 . 9:12 PM
Don't come to me only when you have naught but greed.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 . 4:47 AM
In case you were wondering, the brown swirls are a chocolate-hazelnut spread.
The recipe actually called for Nutella, but since I couldn't find a bottle I used something similar to it. And it turned out great, anyway. My mother said it was good. So did my Granddad.
I baked 24 originally, but when the first batch came out, my dad ate one and a half, my Grandma took one and my Granddad took one, and I ate the remaining half to see if it turned out well.
Anyway [again], the main reason for baking on a weekday is because there was some project in the Young Food Scientist card that said something like, bake a cake and find out how the yeast makes the cake rise.
*Cupcakes ARE actually cakes, just cakes in a cup.*
So I told SJL that I could do that activity today, so he agreed. Then he took his version of a double take and asked if I could bake. *You all know my answer.*
He said that if I baked it, I'd add extra poison and give it to him tomorrow, so that it would burn his gullet and slowly consume his innards.
He didn't say it word for word [just in case you were wondering how his command of English miraculously became so wonderful], I translated it into proper [exxagerated] English.
HA. Wait till he sees it tomorrow.
Oh yeah, I added chocolate chips on the top of the cupcakes as well, so you bite into dark chocolate, plus hazelnut chocolate. And it has a crisp top and a moist chocolaty inside.
Woo-hoo, my best work yet. I'm surely baking these again.
Saturday, June 23, 2007 . 4:13 AM
This one I made without the "help" of my aunt...
And finally striking lucky this week after that danged recipe and burnt cookies.
Well, enough said, the pictures say it all.
Oh, yeah...
I'm not looking forward to going back to school.. I got long-overdue pictures of Garrett Hedlund that are supposed to be in my file.
Friday, June 22, 2007 . 5:47 AM
My sister mentioned it to a hairdresser once, and she said it's something to do with a genetic trait, or a mess-up of a genetic trait.
Well, whatever it is, I hope I start growing streaks, which can't be ignored, and when Mr. Jufri tells me that I highlighted my hair, I can tell him it's natural and I'll stand there and watch with pleasure at the look of twisted tyranny on his face.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007 . 11:57 PM
Needless to say both videos rock.
Just in case you don't know, Jack Mercer's [Garrett Hedlund] the one who sticks out his tongue.
Stuck in a chinese class, full of hooligans who only know how to hurl obsceneties at each other across the classroom in full view of the teacher, bang their table in they're opinion of rhythm, and talk about such explicit things that a 12-year-old child should not know.
The influence of media is getting stronger. And soon, too strong for its own good.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 . 12:24 AM
I am never going to take a recipe from the internet again. So I wasted over an hour of effort to end up with hard and flat cupcakes which tasted horrible. All 16 "cupcakes" - so called - went down the dustbin.
You know what the worst part is?
I wasted approximately $6.50 on all the ingredients.
I'm going to log on to and give that puny weakling a dressing down.
If I had a dargon, I would ride on her and see to it myself that she rips him/her apart with her talons.
Monday, June 18, 2007 . 3:27 AM
Supplementary is as boring as watching the spin cycle on the washing machine.
Come to think of it, it's ten times worst.
Sunday, June 17, 2007 . 2:42 AM
Who's with me?
Saturday, June 16, 2007 . 4:35 AM
Blueberry Cupcakes.
Okay, this one I didn't bake ALL on my own. I had my Aunt instruct me. She had me stand there and whip the butter and sugar together for fifteen minutes. Try whipping not-so-soft butter and you'll understand my agony.
Anyway. She insisted on placing a small amount of blueberry in the middle of the cupcake. And so, I didn't get the kind of cupcakes with blueberry oozing out of its centre like I wanted. Luckily my Mum came to the rescue halfway and dumped more blueberry in with me. And it's blueberries from a tin, so you don't exactly get that freshness.
But the smell is wonderful though.
The first batch, which is the one that is most visible in the earlier pictures, turned out well enough, but the second batch, which my mother went to meddle with partway, turned out flat. Really, flat. But fortunately it isn't hard.
Oh, by the way, all the 17 cookies are gone..
Friday, June 15, 2007 . 10:26 PM
Personally, I love the new layout.
And, I guess I'm looking forward to the premiere of Jump In tomorrow night, but.
It's Four Brother tonight on HBO at 11PM and I can't watch! Okay, I haven't asked my parents yet, but obviously they'll say no because:
1) It's too late to watch.
2) It's too violent.
3) It's NC-16
It has a good storyline! And it has Garrett Hedlund in it..
Anyway. I promise on Zar'roc, that I will get my hands on that movie when the time comes. So long as Garrett Hedlund is in it.
You ought to know that I joined the Ed Speleers fan group at his official website, and today in my e-mail, "they" sent me an e-mail, telling me about the update on the site..
And it ended like,
Toodle pip,
I don't believe that it's really Ed. I don't know why... but I sent back a reply asking if it really is Edward Speleers or not, and not in the crazed-fan-girl kind of way. Just asking.
And "toodle pip" sounds just WRONG.
And I'm not looking forward to supplementary classes next week.
They take up a WHOLE WEEK of our holiday for some ridiculous extra lessons. Barzul.
And not to mention, my ***** ******* didn't pass me fragments of the homework assignment, so you can guess what Mrs. Yip is going to do to me on Monday.
What a lucky, lucky girl I am.
Thursday, June 14, 2007 . 3:55 AM
Today I baked chocolate chunk cookies, from SCRATCH. Yes, I did it all on my own! I stirred, shaped, EVERYTHING!
It's the very first time I've baked something all by myself and I'm pleased with the results. Especially since I ran out of vanilla essence instead of 2 teaspoons, I only had enough for one. It tastes good, anyway: the chewy yet soft kind.
My sister only rated it an 8 because it was a bit too sweet, and I agree with her. And next time, I'll cut the chocolate into smaller chunks. And I should use the cocoa type, not the semisweet ...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 . 3:47 AM
Well, actually, I knew that he was the son of Morzan, but they have the same MOTHER?!
It's extremely sad. Murtagh has been brainwashed by that bloody Galbatorix! Murtagh didn't capture Eragon and handed him on a platter to the stupid king.. at least he let him off, calling him his brother, but he stole Zar'roc from him.
Nothing too bad about that, since Murtagh is my favourite character and I love him like crazy, and also that Zar'roc is my favourite sword [ever], and it's also red, which matched Thorn.
Hey you! Yeah, you, who's reading this.
I want a black, blue, or red dragon for my 13th birthday, and to fly to Ellesmera for my training, and get my very own sword, matching the exact colour and shine of the Bjartskular of my dragon. And I want to drive my sword through Galbatorix's heart, and if I'm lucky, I WANT MURTAGH...
Eragon will do...but Murtagh is first.
Seriously. I'll love you to the end if you give me that.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 . 2:15 AM
I baked cupcakes today. Honestly, I like the plain ones with the sprinkles in the center best. It had the crusty top and moist inside.
The ones with the icing, chocolate syrup, AND sprinkles were way too sweet..for me, that is. If you're feeling supremely lethargic I bet this could wake you up with a real sugar high.
Thank my sister for the over-sweetness, SHE was the one who came up with the idea of icing and I couldn't stop her, by any means. The recipe for the icing was something like: 1 egg white, 250g sugar, and a "few" drops of lemon juice.
I wanted to stick to my idea of three different batches of six cupcakes with sprinkles, cereal and just plain ones...but my trusty old sis had to ruin it for me. Remind me never to let her near the table the next time I bake.. my grandparents loved it though. They said I could open up a shop. Well, haha, they don't know that I used a mix to bake my cupcakes! Devil's Food Cake mix.
Well, slowly, I'll start making my stuff from scratch. Then I can start experimenting. But I'm limited to my hundred and one ideas by my teeny tiny oven.
Anyway, Rashidah told me to save one cupcake for her, and I did. She can look forward to it next week. Haha.
What flavour mix should I use next?
Monday, June 11, 2007 . 8:54 PM
They can never turn out the way I want them.
Either stupid, pathetic, idiotic, or:
Like me as a four year old writing my very first story.
I crumple it up in disgust.
Mean while, I'll just read Eldest and expand my knowledge of the ancient language. while I CAN, because supplementary is in five days. I hate school.
I'd rather live in Alagaesia, ALONE. Away from anyone I know. I long only for the companionship with a dragon of my own.
Good, cause' I'll say it again. I GOT A HECK LOAD OF WORK TO COMPLETE FOR TUITION.
Yesterday we went to East Coast Beach
For the kids to skate, or cycle;
The rest of them, sat down and idle chatted
Tightening the laces on my skates,
I march my way to the pavement
After setting four wheels on it,
I take off.
Zoom, zoom, zoom.
Trees are blurred lines of green,
People whizz past,
Right behind me, is my best friend
Struggling to keep up with me.
Sweat trickles down his neck,
His face flushed slightly red
After a while, he says to me,
"I'm gonna use you for a support."
I raise my eyebrows, as he clamps a hand
Onto my shoulder.
I laugh and tell him, "You're weak."
He gives me the look.
Laughing, I shrug off his hand,
And zoom back to the pit.
My best friend.
Friday, June 8, 2007 . 11:27 PM
It's not bad at all, surprisingly...not like those sessions with my aunt with the cane right in front of me.
Miss Pauline is very nice, just like Nancy said.
So it's tuition Mondays and Fridays, from 3.30 PM to 5.00 PM.
And two weeks have zoomed by way too fast.
Before I go, I want to share my exhilaration. My dad has agreed to buy me the Eragon Special Edition DVD.
Deleted Scenes, The Making Of, all that good stuff. And it also better include at least one interview with Garrett Hedlund and Edward Speleers.