Thursday, May 31, 2007 . 8:36 PM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 . 8:59 PM
CNY Food, at my grandmother's place.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 . 7:16 PM
Monday, May 28, 2007 . 11:02 PM
1. Wake up at 8:30AM
2. Read Eragon while eating breakfast.
3. After breakfast, read some more of Eragon.
4. Grudgingly do work.
5. Read Eragon again.
6. Do some more work.
7. Eat lunch.
8. Read Eragon.
9. Do work.
10. Go online for a while.
11. Be happy with all the work I've done, then mope around the whole day.
12. Joy, Mum's back.
13. Eat dinner.
14. Eragon Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever.
15. Read Eragon before sleeping.
I just finished reading it, 730 pages. I loved it. I'm going to read it again before returning it to Ian and start reading Eldest. Ian says it makes you sleep, but .. WHO CARES?!
I'm going to persuade Mum to buy me a copy of my own. THE WHOLE SERIES. Can't wait for Book Three of the Inheritance...and I haven't even read Eldest yet.
So after reading Eragon, I have discovered something: BEST BOOK EVER READ.
Okay, now onto the sad news.
My Mum wants to get a tutor for Chinese. I almost flipped last night when she told me, when we were eating our dinner at the food court, before going to Zhong's concert.
Honestly? What can a tutor do NOW, we've already finished the first syllabus. And now I AM motivated to work harder...[which is why I am going to log off and do some Chinese after this. I promise, on Eragon.]
And I got a month [FINE, a month minus two days] to catch up with...myself?
Now that SA1 is over, it's work all the way. Oh yes, and did I mention how much I'm looking forward to the supplementary classes?
For an ENTIRE WEEK, supplementary classes. And one day for that stupid netball sports clinic. I am in no mood to go ANYWHERE, I just want to mope around at home and read my precious Eragon over and over again. I don't care.
But still, I have no choice.. the education system here in Singapore is so extremely cheem. I can't even have the opportunity to be a farm girl and have some real fun, hunt in the forest, stumble upon a dragon egg, have a dragon hatchling, name it Saphira, raise it up, train with Brom, learn to use magic, RIDE A DRAGON, meet that hot guy Murtagh, rescue Arya, go to the Varden, and fight with them.
I'd give ANYTHING [almost anything] to have that kind of lifestyle...even if it means losing my uncle, not being in contact with Roran, having my farmhouse burnt down, suffering bruises and cuts from sparring and traveling with Brom, barely having any sleep, being weakened by the uses of magic, losing Brom, dehydrated, starved...almost dying...and not knowing how to read at first, being attacked by Urgals, Raz' zacs, Kulls...
Whooo...what a sense of humour I have. Well, I bet all those other Eragon readers would see things through my point of view. That is what I call a fun lifestyle.
But here in the reality, I have supplementary classes, not dragon eggs.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 . 10:02 PM
Gee, and that matters, how?
*Last day of MC if any of you are wondering. You'll see my red eye tomorrow.
Everything's so blurry
Everyone's so fake
And everybody's empty
And everything is so messed up
Pre-occupied without you
I cannot live at all
My whole world surrounds you,
I stumble then I crawl
You could be my someone
You could be my scene
You know that I'll protect you
From all of the obscene
I wonder what you're doing
Imagine where you are
There's oceans in between us
But that's not very far
- Picture: Thatcher to Nadine.
Monday, May 21, 2007 . 11:07 PM
If I go back to school tomorrow, it's going to take me probably a decade to get used to it, and to make things even better, there will be three periods of Mother Tongue tomorrow.
The only disadvantage of having a sore eye is well, feeling, well, SORE, and not having inspiration. You know what I mean.
All the roads that lead to you were winding
And all the lights that light the way are blinding
There are many things I would like to say to you
I don't know how
You're gonna be the one who saves me
And after all,
You're my wonderwall.
Friday, May 18, 2007 . 7:11 PM
Watch this video. It's ama-a-a-a-y-y-zing. I'm trying to skate like that right now. :)
Minor chance.
Thursday, May 17, 2007 . 6:38 PM
Space, feeling something at the recesses
Of my mind.
Didn't see you today, was
My main focus, sighing, drumming
My fingers on the windowsill,
My mind in irritation.
- For TBISAEMOTB, 09/05/07
A glimpse,
Just about as clear
So I could trace and outline
Quickly I turn away,
Trying to shield my eyes
But I still see your face
But I don't want to
Turning away once more,
Trying to ignore
The embers igniting
Whenever you're around.
All this
Is just false hope;
A fantasy;
A daydream.
All this
Is my false hope
My fantasy
My daydream
Hoping, fantasizing, dreaming
Although I know, for sure,
Nothing will come true
But I continue falling,
Walking the dog
Seeing you exiting the building ...
Turning off the light?
Crossing the road,
Me staring ahead,
Trying to ignore you again,
Didn't look directly at you, so I
Couldn't see any look in your eyes:
Hate or love.
To me you are
In my eyes,
Something I've never seen
Sunday, May 13, 2007 . 2:03 AM
Sunday, May 6, 2007 . 1:10 AM
At least it's posting right? Right. *deep breath*
SPIDERMAN 3 is great, man. It rules.
My Mum got free tickets from her company. So the movie came with dinner! Just noodles, dim sum, fishballs, fishsticks, and fruits and those cheap-cheap but good-good chocolate eclairs.
Sorry, no picture, I didn't bring my camera with me.
Anyway, there was this two guys dressed in these -srsly- cheesy Spiderman and Black Spiderman costumes, and it was loose-fitting, not fitting, so it looked no where near convincing. Oh well.
Anyway, the Spiderman spotted me and came up to me and did the "shoot-web-by-pressing-the-two-fingers-on-your-wrist" sign in my face and he gave me a shock. I was thinking, Whoa, now! Who sponsored your costumes?
I'm not a bad person really. :) I was just psyched about watching the movie I have been waiting for since I was 10 so I wanted to see something ... nicer?
OF COURSE, I did not say it out loud. I was saying, "Uh.. yeah.. Hi?"
Then lucky me the photogorapher came and snapped a shot. +.+
See, I'm not a bad sport after all.
The ending was sad, and my sis was snivelling so loudly beside me. I only let a tear or two fall. ;)
Next week are the exams, so better go revise.
Tomorrow is Monday. Maybe I can ... ?